
1. This white paper is intended to help you understand the PETT business. Investors are encouraged to purchase through exchanges or open sales channels at their own discretion.

2. PETT, we do not guarantee return on investment to the buyer.

3. PETT, we do not guarantee the price after listing.

4. PETT, we do not promise repurchase at the specified price

5. PETT, we do not operate branch PETTs or sales agents.

6. PETT investors should make their own judgment that they are not in violation of the blockchain policy of each country.

7. Despite technical efforts, PETT may incur investment losses depending on market conditions.

8. Despite our efforts, market instability or risk of market collapse is possible.

9. PETT main notice is to prioritize the presentation of the homepage.

10. PETT Other policies are announced on the official website.

11. PETT is not a stock or any way of value guarantee.

12. PETT business model may change slightly depending on the agreement with the partner company.

13. Purchase of PETT coin must be done by the buyer himself according to local law, PETT does not make any legal guarantee for purchase.

14. Among the contents mentioned in this white paper, the business model may change its brand or target in the process.

Last updated